Monday, September 21, 2015

X-Rays and Blood test: Post-Script from Mom

When Samantha sent me a picture of her x-Ray on Friday, it is true, I replied to her picture and text with "You have a beautiful hand." It was the first time that my husband took Samantha for lab work and I was not there.  In the rush of attempting to have her x-Ray and blood test completed before her next exam, I did not realize how I would feel about not going with her.  Yes, her father accompanied her and Samantha survived.  The follow-up question was how her father and I felt about our continued path towards an unknown destination with our daughter taking growth hormone therapy for an unknown period of time.

I finally realized why the x-ray of her hand was so important to me.  It reminded me of an ultrasound I had when I was about 16 weeks pregnant with Samantha.  Looking back at the last 11.5 years it is no surprise that my pregnancy with Samantha was a high-risk one (why would anything be easy from the start?)  During the ultrasound at week 16 I recall the technician looking to find what two weeks later we learned would be our baby girl. 

At first the screen was black as the technician searched for any sign of movement; and out of the darkness came a SLAP on the screen we were watching.  Five tiny fingers and cutest little palm I had ever seen appeared; it was as if Samantha had felt the vibration of the ultrasound, and in a way only Samantha can do, was making contact with the world.

As parents we all have memories which are imprinted in our mind and are ones we will never forget no matter how much time passes.  Life is a series of events linked together, and that journey begins with one single step, and in Samantha's case, a hand reaching out to the world she would ultimately explore.

Thank you for caring about Samantha' journey.

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