Wednesday, January 20, 2016

We Made it to 200 Days

We made it to 200 days. I say "we" because Samantha has fortunately had the incredible support of her family and friends, and there was a time when I wasn't sure whether we would.

Before Samantha began growth hormone therapy we had some inquiries from both family and close friends asking us "are you sure you want to have her take medication which you don't know if it will even work or the long term side effects (because the medication has only been approved by the FDA for 15 years.) Although concerned we may not have support from some; we forged ahead because we were confident, as Samantha was, that this was best for her.

Luckily, our friends and family, no matter their personal feelings, supported our decision and Samantha. I only hope those who may have disagreed with our decision never have to be in the shoes we are; for such decisions are far from easy to make. I'm thankful we made this choice and haven't looked back.

Samantha has gained self confidence and drive as a result of this experience, and what she has learned about herself is immeasurable. Her "never give up" attitude has increased her desire to move forward despite any challenge which may come her way.  These life experiences are critical to her emotional and cognitive development, and I'm incredibly proud of how she has taken growth hormone deficiency "by storm".

Look out, Samantha is just getting started...

200 Days!!!

Today is my 200th day of taking growth hormone shots.

If you think about it, it is a really big number.

I am very proud of myself for getting through all of this so far. I feel brave. I feel like no one in this world has the confidence like I do; but I know many other people have this same type of confidence which helps them get through difficult times.

Lately I have told people I take growth hormone shots. People say "OMG: how many days have you taken them for? Does it hurt? Is there blood?" I reply yes to all the answers, well, except to the hurting one - it doesn't hurt that much anymore.

Every day is getting easier for me and my parents because I feel like my parents don't have to worry about me taking my shots anymore. Today I even "primed" my first pen, which by the way is a really big deal! I was able to make sure all the bubbles were out of the pen where the medication is stored in the shots I take. I did this by myself without my mom's help. My dad watched me to make sure I did it properly. I was very excited that I had the opportunity on my 200th day.

Maybe I will keep taking these shots until I am around 15. I don't know. It depends, I will take them until I stop growing and we don't know when that will be. Sometimes I get lazy and tired and don't want to take the shots anymore; but I know these shots help me grow.

I think I can make it to 1000 days because I am strong, smart, kind-hearted, loving, dedicated, and, well, small!

Remember: amazing things come in small packages!