Monday, September 7, 2015

Write to me!

I just got my first email address and I hope you write to me!  Please send me your thoughts about school, friendships, and even just being "you."  If you have a problem with a "bestie" I would love to hear about it because I have those same problems too.

My email address is  Every week I will have a new theme, and this week is about lockers.  I would love to hear about what decorations you have in your locker.  If you are a parent reading this, you can write about your daughter or son's decorated locker, or even your locker that you had when you were in middle school.  If you send me a picture of your locker I will post it on my blog (only if you write to me and tell me it is okay to post it.)

I hope to hear from you soon!

Seriously Samantha


  1. Hey Sam, it's soph. I don't know how to take pictures from my phone to my computer since I have an android, but I'll tell you this. My locker is plain. No wallpaper, decorations, or pictures. Just a plain locker that is beige and has a shelf with books on it. And I like it like that because I can fit everything I need and have it organized!😊😊😊😊😊😊

  2. Thanks Soph for your comment, I just saw it, I wish I knew you had written sooner because I would have written you right back! I agree, at first I wanted a locker with a bunch of decorations. Now I know I would never be able to fit my books and backpack if I had that stuff in it! Thanks for writing to me and reading my blog!
    Your friend,
