Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Staying Strong!

There comes a time in life where you feel trapped, you don’t know which direction to go, your mood swings are all over the place, and maybe you cry sometimes. At the start of 2020 everyone said “this is going to be the best year ever, 2020 vision.” People were planning to live their best lives and spread happiness everywhere.” Little did all human beings know that this would be one of the hardest years for many people. People have been locked up in their homes for months, thousands have died, friendships have been distanced apart. People have second-guessed what’s happening to them “why are they always sad, why do they feel lonely.” But I’m here to tell you that you’re not going through it alone. I’m lonely, I’m sad, I cry. I’ve been trapped in quarantine for five months along with many other people and I bet a lot of us are all feeling the same emotions. I am here to tell you to hold on a little longer because it’s going to get better. Each day you will rise above and you will show yourself that there is good. There is better coming. Don’t let go now because you yourself have so much to offer and I know from the bottom of my heart there is happiness waiting for you. I’ve had a rough last month. I crashed my car. Update: it’s fixed and perfectly brand new. Friendships of mine got further apart from each other. My father received double hip replacement surgery. And almost every night I’m crying myself to sleep. But I know this is just a phase, a phase of sadness. I need to know that things are going to get better and that I shouldn’t look down I should only look up. If you’re going through a hard time right now this is for you. Keep your head up high because there is happiness and a good road ahead of you. So stay strong for me. It’s not always easy, but that’s life. Be strong. Know that there are better days ahead.


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